Phase II.
Aligned with the high standards and criteria of Pontificia Universidad Católica (PUC) the George Washington University (GW), and under the supervision of Professor Osses, I aim to interview relevant figures in the energy industry, the state of Chile, and within Chilean society.

By the time my writing was well underway, I had realized that the research topic was broad and it was more difficult to conduct interviews because I couldn't decide on who my subjects should be. In the end, I only interviewed one person: Javier Bustos, the boss of the Policy and Prospect Division of the Ministry of Energy in Chile. The other quotes I gathered were from published interviews I encountered while researching online. I am grateful for my internship at Generadores de Chile for giving me the opportunity to interview Mr. Bustos because speaking with him enhanced my understanding of the government's role in decarbonizing the energy sector of Chile.
Quotes from Interviews
Jefe de la División de Prospectiva y Política Energética del Ministerio de Energía

Professor en la Stockholm Resilience Centre de la Universidad de Stockholm

Ministra de Energía de Chile
"La Política Energética 2050 [de Chile] es distinta porque es más al largo plazo y se menciona acciones especificas... por ejemplo hay que regular el uso de la leña y de la biomasa como combustibles."
17 de abril de 2019
"El proceso de mantener la temperatura dentro de la gama habitable es una rápida descarbonización, además de una revolución en la producción de alimentos, además de una revolución de la sostenibilidad, además de una enorme escala de ingeniería [para la remoción de carbono].”
23 de marzo de 2017
“Como país tenemos un compromiso moral y ético de atender a las familias chilenas que en pleno siglo XXI no cuentan con electricidad en sus casas. Estamos trabajando para cambiar esa dura realidad y llegarles un mejor país.”
6 de enero de 2019
"The Energy Policy 2050 [of Chile] is different because it has plans for the long term and specific actions are mentioned... for example, the use of firewood and biomass as fuels must be regulated."
"The process of staying within the livable temperature range includes rapid decarbonization, plus a revolution in food production, plus a sustainability revolution, plus a massive engineering scale-up [for carbon removal].”
"As a country we have a moral and ethical commitment to care for Chilean families who do not have electricity in their homes in the 21st century. We are working to change that harsh reality and improve the country."