Decarbonization & Energy Security in Chile
Power distribution lines in Ñuñoa, Santiago | June 2019
Throughout my blog, I include elements of my independent research. I was inspired to study more about the different sources of energy used around the world when I took an International Energy Security class in 2017. Since then, I have conducted research on Eastern Europe's dependency on natural gas and oil from Russia. I have also researched about the multitude of hydroelectric projects in Latin America. Throughout my study abroad opportunity I have had the chance to witness first hand what is being done by various countries to mitigate the challenges that arise due to climate change.
My previous research was about Eastern Europe's energy dependency on Russian oil and natural gas. I am planning to make my research in South America more in-depth with a stronger humanitarian focus.
I first became interested in conducting research during my junior year in high school when I was curious to learn about the various methods one can use to become fluent in a foreign language. I wrote a paper on my findings which included interviews and reflections on my personal experience abroad in Peru.

Colorful Hills of Valparaiso behind power distribution lines | July 2018
In the Fall of 2017, I took an Energy Security class at GW which sparked my interest in international energy needs. Before taking the enlightening class, I only had a vague idea of what the energy sector looks like in the US, much less the whole world. I quickly learned about how serious of an issue energy is for much of the world, and how countries are increasingly struggling to efficiently mitigate threats that are arising due to climate change. An example can be seen in Eastern Europe’s dependency on Russia for oil and natural gas, a topic that I wrote a research paper on. I have come to realize that there is a general lack of knowledge, as well as misconceptions, regarding local and global energy security. Therefore, I hope to discover more about how energy security is understood by different actors (government, industry, and society) throughout Chile.
For this research project, I have the incredible opportunity to work with Professor Osses of Ponteficia Universidad Catóica—an expert on Chile's geography—and Generadoras de Chile, an organization that helps companies that generate electricity throughout the country with sustainability initiatives. With the support of my guiding professor and my internship, I plan to research Chile's prospects to decarbonize while maintaining, or improving, energy security.
While studying abroad, I plan to conduct a three-fold research project. I must set aside a considerable amount of time to effectively complete each aspect. This means that on top of challenging school work, athletic extracurriculars, time with my host family, and fun cultural activities, I must also dedicate my attention to my research project. The three phases are as follows:
Independent Research
Interviewing Relevant Figures
Internship Research

Impacts of Decarbonization on Chilean Energy Security Regarding Electricity
La Serena, Coquimbo Region, Chile | December, 2019
Independent Research
In order to effectively conduct my research, I must first understand in-depth what energy security looks like in the country of Chile. Next, I must learn about decarbonization and how other countries are working to achieve related goals. This research will entail reading scholarly works, news articles, relevant books, etc. I will utilize the resources available through Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC) and Universidad de Chile. Finally, I plan on traveling to different cities and towns throughout Chile to document relevant observations which can enhance my own understanding of energy security in the country and therefore improve my research as well. I will compose this research into a scholarly paper. My research will be guided and overlooked by PUC geography profesor Pablo Osses, who has a masters degree in agrarian economics, with a focus on natural resources and the environment. I will comply with the research requirements from both GW and PUC.

Valparaiso with Viña del Mar in the distance | July 2018
As a complementary aspect to my research, I will be gauging the relevance and impact certain figures have on decarbonization of the country. I will find people in different areas of relation to decarbonization, including the social, political, and industrial spheres. I plan on interviewing and surveying locals based on the high standards and criteria PUC has in place and under the supervision of Professor Osses.

Internship Research
I anticipate this final phase will introduce a more corporate and business side to my research. I have been accepted to intern at Generadoras de Chile, an organization which works with various companies that generate electricity throughout the country to help them with sustainability initiatives and assists them in complying with governmental regulations. Here, I anticipate on having opportunities to learn more about the sustainable, and unsustainable, practices in the country. The people I interact with and the new perspectives I encounter with the internship will be useful to incorporate into my overall research project..

Power lines and the Andes Mountains in Ñuñoa, Santiago | June 2019

Research Outcomes
I am proud of the time and energy I spent learning about decarbonization and energy security in Chile and other parts of the world. I felt challenged and engaged in this project for nearly an entire year, and I am thrilled to have witnessed my own personal growth while studying abroad and being immersed in Spanish.
Below is the final product of my research project (a 30 page essay in Spanish) as well as information about the upcoming COP25.
Traffic at Sunset in Ñuñoa, Santiago | June 2019
Electricity distribution lines in Ñuñoa, Santiago | June 2019

United Nations
Climate Change Conference

The United Nations Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC) was originally planned to be held in Chile, but due to unforeseen conditions that have sparked prolonged protests on the streets of Santiago and other cities in Chile, the UNFCCC is December 2-13 in Madrid, Spain.
The United Nations Climate Change Conferences are yearly conferences held in the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC). They serve as the formal meeting of the UNFCCC Parties (Conference of the Parties, COP) to assess progress in dealing with climate change, and beginning in the mid-1990s, to negotiate the Kyoto Protocol to establish legally binding obligations for developed countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.
"What is the UNFCCC & the COP". Climate Leaders. Lead India. 2009. Retrieved 5 December2009.